Lab of optical processing and optical tweezers application

Research interest
Computer generated hologram
Holographic optical tweezers
3D image microscopy
Raman tweezers

Holographic optical tweezers(HOT)

Research topic
Two spots optical tweezers for orientation control of rod-shape particle

X-Y plane

Y-Z plane

Research topic
Holographic optical vortex tweezers: Rotation control of magnetic metal nanoparticle

Research topic
3D image: Depth of field multiplexing microscopy

Sample:1μm Si微粒沉積 , ΔZ=1μm

Sample: Thermosynechococcus elongates (5~8μm) , ΔZ=1μm

Raman tweezers (785nm)

Raman spectrum of TA-1(785nm,60℃)

Raman spectrum of single oil-producing microalgal cells BL-1